As more brands shift to conducting the bulk of their business online, prospective customers are forming opinions on companies and organizations based on reviews that they see on platforms like Google and Facebook. This means that you want to get customers to write reviews online more frequently to add credibility to your brand.

This sounds like an idea that can benefit your business, but you may be asking yourself “How do I get customers to write online reviews?”

Engaging the customer in a non-aggressive manner is key. Though there is no single solution that will guarantee that the customer will leave a review for your business, there are a few methods that can generate buzz for your brand.

Get Customers to Write Online Reviews by Asking Them

The simplest way to start generating responses from customers is by asking them to review your business online. Do you have mailing lists? Send an email to your followers either through a mail merge platform like Mailchimp or through your customer relationship management (CRM) tool and request that they leave a review. Craft a personalized message and ask them, but be sure to avoid using pushy or aggressive language. It is also important to remember that when you are requesting reviews from your customers, you are asking them to do a favor for you.

Offer Multiple Ways to Leave Reviews

Do not assume that all of your customers are using the internet in the same way. Some may have found your business through Google, others through Facebook. One of the biggest roadblocks to earning more customer reviews for your business is lack of a diverse online presence.

Are you only asking for reviews on Google? If someone does not have a Google account, they may not want to create one just to leave a review. However, if they are on Facebook already, they might be more willing to participate.

Offer your followers multiple ways to leave reviews for your business. This way, they can choose their path of least resistance and select the platform they are most comfortable with. Do not require them to go through a complicated or frustrating review process that could tarnish their experience with your brand.

Get Customers to Write Online Reviews by Offering Incentives

While some customers are ready and willing to write reviews, others need more convincing. One way to politely nudge customers is to offer an incentive in exchange for feedback. The incentive does not have to be a grandiose reward. It just needs to provide enough motivation to your more reluctant customers.

Say, for example, that you own an online clothing retailer and you want customers to review recent purchases. Identify these customers and send them emails through your CRM tool and let them know they can unlock a discount code that gives them free shipping for their next purchase if they leave a review. This would give the customer more of a reason to not only leave a review, but also make another purchase.

Identify Key Reviewers

Do you see that certain customers are leaving reviews on a consistent basis? Identify those people and be sure to engage with them. Offer them to sign up for an exclusive mailing list that could give them advance notice on new products or discounts they won’t find anywhere else on your site. This can create a strong relationship with those that are supporting your brand the most.

Amazon is already doing this with their Vine program. The mega-retailer identifies prominent reviewers on their platform and offers to send them free products in exchange for reviews. By doing so, they are cultivating their own influencer ecosystem that builds trust with their customer base.

Use Online Reviews as User-Generated Content

Are there certain customer reviews that really cast your brand’s products or services in a positive light? Be sure to share it on your social media channels as a customer testimonial! Give the user a shout-out and thank them for the review. Not only does this involve the audience in creating content for you, but it also will motivate them to participate.

Get Customers to Write Online Reviews Today

Want to start strategizing a plan to earn more customer reviews for your business? Contact us today and ask how we can help you create a plan that aligns with your marketing and public relations goals.

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